Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Aims of Training and Development Essay -- Business and Management Stud

Aims of Training and DevelopmentTraining can be teaching employees new skills that atomic number 18 germane(predicate) totheir current job position or refreshing the skills that they alreadypossess. To have a good schooling and development programme enablesfirms to develop individual employees and the administration itself astraining is one of the best forms of motivation. Employees are able tobroaden their knowledge and become more valued within the firm. Havinga well-trained produceforce is greatly beneficial for a connection asemployees are likely to be more motivated and target driven. Alsovarious jobs and tasks are likely to be carried out more efficientlyif the workforce is highly skilled at what they do. Listed below aresome off the main benefits to a company in having a well-trainedworkforce- Training and development go forth enable a company to have a much more flexible workforce- Employees will become more motivated and are then likely to be more productive- If emp loyees are offered advanced training in areas such as ICT, HSBC may find that can progress further as a firm into more advanced markets- If employees are motivated and comfortable in the work they do there will be a fall in absenteeism- If employees are properly trained in health and safety accidents around the study will be reduced Types of TrainingThe three main types of training that companies offer are- instauration Training- On-the-job Training- Off-the-job TrainingInduction TrainingThis involves introducing new employees to the workplace, existingemployees and showing them what the job will entail. It is importantthat the they get an idea of how the company is run, the companieshistory and that they get familiar with the services and products thecompany offer. During the elicitation process employees will be shownhealth and safety procedures and the basic layout of the workplace.This is so they know where an appropriate member of staff if a problemwas to occur. The indu ction process allows employees to gain essentialknowledge before starting their job and ensures safety and maintenancein the workplace.On-the-job Training During on-the-job training employees are taught the skills andtechniques they need while actually carrying out their job. Types ofon-the-job training include Coaching and Mentori... ...nowledge and thiswill depend on their learning ability and training needs. To pattern thisproperly HSBC design a training and development plan and use it tosummarise the required financial support.The training is split into Training and Competence care Development Supervision/team leader courses Professional qualifications Maintenance of professional knowledge Learning Centre Individual training needs HSBC Individual training needs externalThe finance department will budget a certain amount for training andthe training department will have to depict sure they stick to it. Thismeans that the training department would have to justify all costsas sociated with the various training and development methods. Theywould have to assess how umpteen hours and how many workers the trainingwill use to get a rough idea of the cost. Clearwater StrategyHSBC use a strategy known as Clearwater. This is a strategy fordifferentiating the bank from its competitors through the provision ofhigh quality customer service. This would create an environmentconducive to change magnitude sales producing income growth and thusincreased profitability.

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